When a tree falls on your home, it can cause major damage, injury, and high concern. Exiting your home after a tree has fallen is the most important step once this tragedy has occurred. Below are some next steps you need to take when a tree falls on your roof.

1- Get To Safety Or Warmer Building
The most important step after a tree falls on your roof is to make sure your home is safe to stay in or if you will need to find alternative long-term lodging. Trees may create large holes in your home, damage electrical lines, lead to fire, or block normal exits. Check all of these circumstances and call 911 if necessary. If a tree falls in bad weather, getting to a warmer place will keep you from illness and make sure you have a safe place to sleep while your home is repaired.
2- Document All Damage
Once the damage has occurred, you will want to take photos, videos, and any other documentation that may be needed for insurance or law enforcement. Documentation will help determine how much damage will need to be repaired and if changes occur after you have left the property.
Submitting these photos and having evidence of things that were damaged by the tree will help insurance provide payment or roofers to know exactly what needs repairs.
3- Cover Any Openings
Once you are leaving your home, you will need to ensure that doors and windows are sealed while you are away. You may not be able to return to your home for quite some time, so make sure what is left in your home is locked up and protected from excess moisture.
4- Call Your Insurance Company
Contacting your insurance after the incident has occurred will ensure you get the most coverage from your company for repairs. If the tree has fallen onto your home because of negligence on your part, your insurance may not cover as much of the damage. Storm damage and external forces will be covered by homeowners insurance, but proper documentation will be needed in order to get compensation.

Calling the insurance will also help give you the next steps after the tree falls on your roof. They may recommend a roofing company that can come out immediately and may tell you to call 911 or your gas company to protect the remaining integrity of your home. They will ask questions about the tree and if the damage could have been prevented.
5- Have Electrical And Gas Turned Off
When a tree falls on your roof it can land on electrical wires, damage gas lines, or expedite fire damage. After moving to safety and calling your insurance, having the two companies shut off resources to your home will prevent more damage. If the damage in your home is extensive, you will not be living there for the time being, so shutting off services will save you money as well.
6- Call A Professional Roofing Company
The next step to take when a tree falls on your roof is to schedule an inspection and repair with a professional roofing company. A roofing company can safely inspect the damage, give you an estimate of how much the repair will cost, and provide you with peace of mind that your home will be restored.
Lifetime Roofing wants your home to be safe and secure with quality roofs. Our team works to efficiently repaired damaged roofs so that homeowners can get back to their normal routine as soon as possible.
Roof Repairs When A Tree Falls On Your Roof With Lifetime Roofing

Lifetime Roofing has many skilled technicians that can help fix a variety of roofing problems. No matter what material your roof is made of, or how much damage you have sustained our team can help fix your roof. Lifetime Roofing stands behind our work 100% and offers warranties to protect your home after we make repairs.
Our company serves North Salt Lake and surrounding areas to make sure that homes and businesses are safe and warm. In order to best serve our customers, we have locations in North Salt Lake, Layton, and Park City. If your roof has deteriorated or has been damaged, contact our team today!
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