What are the Benefits of Asphalt Shingles?
If you are trying to choose the ideal material for your new roofing, it is important to understand the various advantages of different materials. Asphalt shingles, for example, are a valuable addition to your roof due to the many benefits they provide. Asphalt shingles are durable, versatile, and cost-effective choices for your roofing. Our team at Lifetime Roofing can provide superior asphalt shingles to meet all of the needs of your roof. Here are a few of the benefits of asphalt shingles.c
The 8 Benefits of Asphalt Shingles
Durable Materials

Your roof is designed to provide protection to your property. To allow it to do so, it is necessary to ensure that you choose materials that are durable. Asphalt shingles are durable solutions that are resistant to many different types of damage. When you implement asphalt shingles to your property, you will be able to keep your roof in better condition for an extended period of time.
Reflect Sunlight
Asphalt shingles tend to reflect UV rays from the sun, rather than absorbing them. This helps you to ensure that your home is much more comfortable, especially during the hot summer temperatures. This also helps you to enhance the energy efficiency of your building and lower your related cooling expenses.
When you put a substantial amount of weight on your property, the roof is more likely to have damage or other problems. Asphalt shingles are rather lightweight, which helps to limit the amount of strain that you place on your building. This is especially important when you live in snowy climates because the snow will put additional weight on your roof.
When you choose asphalt roofing shingles for your roof, you will be able to reduce the related expenses. These shingles tend to be inexpensive, which can save a great deal of money over time. You will even likely see savings on the installation of these types of roofs because the material tends to be easier to work with.
Sound Dampening Impact
When you use asphalt roofing shingles, you will be able to reduce the amount of sound that is able to penetrate through your roof. This helps you to create a quieter, more comfortable environment inside of your building. These roofs also tend to have better insulation, which further helps to reduce your energy expenses.
Damage Resistance
Asphalt shingles are an option that is particularly resistant to damage. Storms are less likely to cause damage to the surface of your roof. This can enable you to lower potential repair expenses. These shingles are also resistant to fire. This enhances the safety level of your property because it can reduce the spread of fire throughout the building. This also limits the damage that fire can cause to the building. In addition to this, asphalt shingles are resistant to the growth of mold, algae, and mildew. This helps to keep your roof in much better condition for a longer period of time.
The use of asphalt shingles is good for the environment! These shingles can eventually be recycled when they reach the end of their lifetime. This ensures that this choice is a sustainable option that can enhance your confidence in your choice of roofing material.
A Versatile Aesthetic
Asphalt shingles are extremely versatile, which enables you to modify the appearance of your roof. They tend to be available in a large variety of styles, colors, and shapes. When you decide to use asphalt roofing shingles, you will be able to modify the appearance of your roof to meet your own aesthetic preferences.
Get the Benefits of Asphalt Shingles
When you work with our team at Lifetime Roofing, you can be confident that you will receive guidance to choose the ideal material for your roof. Asphalt shingles can be a great option to meet the needs of your property. To learn more about the advantages of our roofing services, contact us at Lifetime Roofing today!
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